After several months of effort and work, the acting ensemble of was ready for the premiere of the musical “Snow white”.

The premiere of the play “Snow white” produced by took place on Friday, July 23, 2022, in the city theatre Modling.

The hall was filled to capacity because the audience knew that a great musical would be played on stage. By the way, this year celebrates 20 years of existence and work. The play Snow White also has a summer scene in Lutzmansburg, where the play is presented in an abbreviated and modified version. After the Modling Theatre, the play will be shown in Lutzmannsburg until  September, 6th 2022

As expected, Mark played both roles brilliantly, and of course there was thunderous applause from the audience.

Foto: Helmut Rasinger

“I feel great and I am satisfied with how I played both roles. Although the characters of the prince and the hunter are completely different, it was not difficult for me to change roles on stage. Of course, the role of the prince is much more demanding because I also have solo parts. However, the role of the hunter is also very interesting because it is a funny character, and you know yourself that it is not easy to always make the audience laugh,” Mark tells us about his impressions from the stage.

Foto: Helmut Rasinger

“I was especially happy that the play was for younger viewers. And all the time I had the feeling that we, on stage,  influence children’s imagination and childhood. And that’s why I had an even greater incentive to play my roles perfectly. Of course, there were also a large number of adults in the audience, which gave me additional responsibility and maximum professionalism”.

“The musical is a very demanding genre because it combines singing, spoken dialogues, acting and dancing. All this is very inspiring and I am happy to have successfully mastered all the stage tasks. I enjoyed every moment of the play and I am delighted with how well everything worked on stage. A lot has to fit in a musical AND it works perfectly. A large number of actors on stage, the orchestra and the technique, everything was perfect.

“The most interesting thing for me in the theatre is that everything is alive and full of action. The curtain rises and the actors speak, sing, move, produce either excitement, laughter, tears, pain. Really fascinating,” Mark explains his impressions of the theatre.

Foto: Helmut Rasinger

“I am very grateful to director Norbert Bertassi and director Peter Faerber for trusting me to be part of their acting ensemble. I gained a wonderful experience in this superb team, and I especially thank my fellow actors who accepted me nicely and were very helpful.”

This is Marks first theatre production, and this new experience will remain in his wonderful memory, and he will be happy to respond to the next call for new plays.

Acting is rightly called an art because it requires a lot of talent, knowledge, skill, practice, intelligence, diligence and perseverance in work. I think that I am on the right path and that I only now have the answer to why I wanted to become an actor,” said Mark and added that an actor should have a particularly richly gifted spirit in order to be able to penetrate the director’s idea and the core of the role and that all that bring it into harmony with its inner and outer individuality.